My friend Françoise's birthday is on Sunday and I won't get a chance to see her this week so I am going to mail her a card. Being in France we don't often give birthday cards or any other cards for that matter. Except for Christmas and new years cards. Francoise is the only friend I have who has become addicted to stamping and making cards and I always share my new techniques with her. But seldom remember to send her a card as we see each other so often. So this year it will be a bit special. She also got me to buy her a wizard and dies as she thought it was great for making cards so for her birthday I will be giving her a cute bird die as birds is something she likes. I made the card at a friends home and had brought only a few of my twinklers with me but even with only a few colors they look great. I should use them more often.I like the sarah kay stamps but find them way too expensive for what they are which is a shame.
pour répondre à ta question j'utilise mes copics avec des feuilles de canson toutes simples (du plus haut grammage) ça bavouille un peu des fois mais c'est un coup de main à avoir... sinon j'ai acheté un papier spécial marqueurs aux couleurs du temps d'essey mais je suis déçue: le papier est bien trop fin! l'encre ne bave pas ni ne file mais le grammage n'est pas suffisantpour moi et j'ai repris mon bon vieux canson...
j'epère que ça pourra t'aider
little angel
Lovely card, Joanne and you did well with the Twinklers :)
Ta carte est vraiment très jolie.
Pour le magazine Magnolia Ink, je l'ai commandé directement sur leur site (http://www.magnoliaink.nu/contents/en-us/d2.html). Il a été livré assez rapidement.
Si tu choisis 'Single Issue', tu recevras celui qui est paru en Novembre. L'abonnement quant à lui ne commence qu'à partir du numéro de février.
Bonne journée
Ta carte est très jolie!
bravo à toi!
pati DT infinimentscrap
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