17 Mar 2014

machine embroidery

I bought a second hand embridery module for my bernina a few months ago and finally had the courage to unpack and try to connect to my machine. It took a while to read through the manual and do all the things you need to do but I was so pleased that when I sent an embroidery from my computer to the machine it actually worked......... hurrah !

Here are two small embroideries I did to try it out. Now my dream is to be able to create my own but that will have to wait quite a while as those programs are quite expensive.

Hope you like it

hugs, Joanne


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

lovely Joanne and would be happy with those till you can afford to get the one you can create your own with .. thanks for sharing, Shaz in oz.x

Anne said...

This is lovely! What a treat to be able to embroider such elegant motifs with a machine! Well done you for learning how to do this! I know this is the first step and I look forward to seeing more of your creations....especially when you get to design your own motifs!xxx

Linda Elbourn said...

Beautiful Joanne. You will now be able to embroider alongside your quilting. Linda E xx

Linda Elbourn said...

Beautiful Joanne. You will now be able to embroider alongside your quilting. Linda E xx